Searching for „Application“
Join Prague University of Economics and Business. Applications open until April 30
The applications for all bachelor and master English-taught degree programmes offered at the Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) are now open and go until April 30, 2021, with the exception of the BBA programme – June 10, 2021. For more information about the programmes curricula and admission requirements, please, visit the programmes’ website or contact the programme’s coordinator. […]
read moreStudy Physics in Prague: There Is No Science Without Students
In 2021 Matfyz is opening a new English Master programme, and international students thus have a chance to study physics at one the most prestigious universities in central Europe. What do students and teachers think about our new programme? How difficult is the study? How expensive it might be? And what can you get from studying at […]
read moreStudy at Prague College: gain a unique perspective
Prague College, in the heart of Prague brings together students from over 100 countries who wish to earn a internationally-recognised British degree. Experienced lecturers from around the globe offer practical-based small group tuition in English across programmes covering business, IT and media, art and design and education. Our university offers a unique perspective that an […]
read moreStudy Electrical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia
Are you interested in IT, communication technologies, robotics, electromobility or programming? The Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia offers a full-time Bachelor degree programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology taught in English. Applications are open until April 15, 2021! The study programme offers a broad base of electrical and information […]
read moreGet a head start before the start – study at ŠKODA AUTO University
ŠKODA AUTO University has been a leader in education for the future for 20 years, contributes to the modernization of Czech higher education, and prepares students for the “Future 4.0”. Last year, it joined the ranks of higher education institutions combining an economic and technical focus thanks to the groundbreaking Industrial Management, and Business Administration […]
read moreEuropean Space Agency is seeking new astronauts
The European Space Agency (ESA) is seeking new astronauts for the first time in over a decade. ESA last sought applicants for astronaut positions in 2008 and has held only three recruitment rounds, including its first in 1978. Applications will open on March 31, 2021. ESA is looking for candidates from a large variety of […]
read moreOpen Call: Postgraduate programme Alternative models for living
CANactions School, Brno University of Technology – Faculty of Architecture, the City of Warsaw, the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, and the Romanian Order of Architects Bucharest, are introducing a new educational postgraduate programme in Alternative models for living. The programme is exposed to the context of four countries — Czech Republic, Poland, Romania […]
read moreAttending university conferences
If you’re considering applying for PhD study programmes, for instance at Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague, you should know that PhD students are expected to attend conferences from time to time. There might be some differences based on your specific study programme but generally you have to attend a conference at least […]
read moreOnline Open House at University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
The University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT), Prague invites you to an online Open House which will take place at 9-12:30 am and 1-4:30 pm (UCT+1) on February 6, 2021! Participants of the online virtual doors will learn more about the study programmes and study opportunities offered, discover the possibilities for on-the-job internships and study […]
read moreApplications are now open for STARS PhD program at Faculty of Science CUNI
The PhD program supporting talented research students from across the world is now open to all applicants who hold a master‘s degree in science, medicine, pharmacology or a related field of study. During the STARS 2021 call, prospective students can apply until March 13th, 2021. The Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, is a top-quality […]
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