Terms of use of the electronic system of EDUroute s.r.o.

1. Introductory provisions

1.1 EDUroute s.r.o., Company ID: 06310427, with its registered office at Tupolevova 710, Prague 199 00, Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 280011 (‚EDUroute‘) issues these conditions of use of the EDUroute electronic system – CzechUniversities.com, VysokéŠkoly.cz, VysokeSkoly.sk, – relation to end users – natural persons (‚Terms‘).

1.2 The Terms govern all relationships into which EDUroute enters with natural persons in connection with their use of the electronic system CzechUniversities.com and its content.

2. Definition of terms used

2.1 Terms used in the text of the Terms have the following meanings:

Electronic system: EDUroute CzechUniversities.com website and computer programs created by EDUroute intended for use (not only) by Users.

Use of the Electronic System: the use of content and other functionality of the Electronic System to the extent that the Electronic System technically allows this use.

User: any natural person – a consumer who uses the Electronic System on the Internet computer network.

Civil Code: Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.

Services: all services currently offered by EDUroute within a specific Electronic System to Users, in particular the offer of universities, online tests and articles.

3. Use of cookies

3.1 A cookie is a small file that a website stores on the User’s hard drive and is used not to obtain personal information about the Users (for example, the information obtained may include, for example, the IP address of the connecting computer or the type of browser used), but to distinguish individual Users accessing eduroute electronic systems.

3.2 Within electronic systems, EDUroute uses cookies for the following purposes:

maintaining a user session; these cookies are necessary to enable EDUroute to distinguish individual Users when displaying the website and thus display relevant data only for the User;
basic settings of electronic systems affecting the display of websites according to the user’s choice (when e.g. The user disables the display of a particular graphic element, these cookies allow the User to be respected) or taking into account the frequency or order of viewing of the site (e.g. information that is no longer displayed on future visits may be displayed on the first visit).

3.3 Electronic systems may also contain third-party cookies used by EDUroute to obtain anonymous traffic statistics and typical User behaviour on individual sites. As a rule, these third parties do not store any personal data in connection with the use of cookies, as the User’s identity is unknown to them (provided that the User is not a registered user of the products of such third party at the same time, e.g. the User’s identity. Google). These are mainly the following cookies:

  • Google Analytics – EDUroute uses this service to obtain statistical information, and Google may retain the data obtained for its own use in accordance with the Privacy Policy available on http://www.google.com/… cies/privacy;
  • Visual Website Optimizer – Users have the option to exclude the processing of cookies through Visual Website Optimizer on specific websites here: http://visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/opt-out.php;
  • Hotjar – Users have the opportunity to exclude the processing of cookies via Hotjar on specific websites https://www.hotjar.com/opt-out
  • Sklik conversion codes – to measure the effectiveness of your ad to EDUroute sites;
  • Google AdWords – EDUroute can use remarketing services, i.e. remarketing services. even an unregistered user who has visited the EDUroute site is identified through cookies within Google’s advertising network and can be shown advertising again for EDUroute services. More information about Google ads can be obtained on http://www.google.com/… ologies/ads/; users have the ability to influence Google’s ad network ad display through http://www.google.com/… preferences/?….
  • EDUroute reserves the right to use other third-party cookies that are not listed above.


4. EDUroute liability

4.1 EDUroute shall not be liable for damages resulting from force majeure or failures outside the EDUroute technical equipment. Force majeure means a temporary or permanent extraordinary, unpredictable and insurmountable obstacle created independently of the will of EDUroute. If a state of force majeure arises on the eduroute side, EDUroute undertakes to inform the User of this situation and its cause without undue delay. EDUroute will continue to provide the Services to the range of its best capabilities and capabilities, even using available alternative means.


5. Copyrights and trademarks

5.1 All content of the Electronic System is protected in accordance with copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights legislation and is the property of EDUroute or its licensors. Any use of this content is possible only with the express consent of authorized persons or in accordance with applicable law.

5.2 The User is not entitled to use the Electronic System or part thereof other than for his own use, in particular its use is prohibited by means of dissemination and copying or other technical processing without the demonstrable consent of EDUroute. Also, any interference with the technical or factual content of the Electronic System by users is prohibited.

5.3 The right to upload and store or print materials stored on the Electronic System is permissible only for its own private purposes, and the materials thus obtained shall not be reproduced in any way. Any other reproductions or modifications made in any mechanical or electronic manner without the prior written consent of EDUroute shall be prohibited. In particular, it is forbidden to reproduce, disseminate or communicate to third parties.


6. Applicable law

6.1 The legal relationship between the User and EDUroute is governed by the law of the Czech Republic. Questions not governed by the Terms thus are governed by the provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, and other applicable and effective legislation.


7. Processing of personal data, further use of data in Electronic systems

7.1 EDUroute declares that, as a controller of personal data, it processes these in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data and the amendment of certain laws, as amended. In the case of certain Services, EDUroute may be in the position of personal data processor.

7.2 EDUroute declares that it processes all personal data it processes in connection with the provision of the Services to the User on the basis of their consent granted by the User. EDUroute is entitled to contact the User as a data subject to verify the accuracy of the personal data provided. Data on which there will be a reasonable doubt as to their authenticity or correctness will be disposed of without delay.

7.3 EDUroute (in accordance with the consent to the processing of personal data) is entitled to offer the User third-party services and products based on the information provided by the User while working with the Electronic System. Information about the Users will not be provided by EDUroute to third parties.

7.4 Users acknowledge that data found in the Electronic System are processed by EDUroute and may be further used for the production of analyses and statistics. The results of such processing may be further commercially used by EDUroute while maintaining the sheer anonymity of the source.


8. Correspondence data

8.1 EDUroute correspondence data are as follows:

EDUroute s.r.o.

Tupolevova 710, Prague 199 00, Czech Republic

8.2 To contact EDUroute electronically: info@czechuniversities.com

9. Final provisions

9.1 EDUroute is entitled to unilaterally modify or supplement these Terms at any time. In the event of a change in the Terms and Conditions, EDUroute shall notify the User well in advance and appropriately so that the User has an objective opportunity to familiarise himself with them.

9.2 The conditions in this text are valid and effective from 8 January 2005. 8. 2017.



Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of using online education services CzechUniversities.com („WWW“)

In accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, as amended („THE PSA“), I hereby expressly declare that I agree to the processing, use and retention of all my personal data on the aforementioned WWW. I acknowledge that the provision of such personal data is voluntary. If the user’s e-mail address is provided, it is an email address.

If you run an online test(s) via social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and others), this is the first name, surname, email address and profile photo.

The processing of personal data takes place automatically through the information system associated with the listed WEBSITE. I also acknowledge that I have been informed about:

  • their right to information on what personal data are processed about me;
  • right to rectify inaccurate personal data;
  • that if the controller is breached by the obligations imposed by the PSA, I have the right to request the controller, (i) to delay the infringement and to remove the defective situation, (ii) the correction of personal data has been carried out in such a way as to be correct and accurate, (iii) that personal data is blocked and/or disposed of unless otherwise contrary to other legislation, (iv) reasonable satisfaction in accordance with civil regulations, if it has been affected by my personal rights and (v) require the controller to request compensation for any damage incurred;
  • the right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection.

I can exercise the rights set out in points (i) and (ii) primarily through the management of my user account on the aforementioned Website.

I grant this consent to EDUroute s.r.o., Company ID: 06310427, with its registered office at Tupolevova 710, Prague 199 00, Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 280011, as controller, for a period of 10 (ten) years from the date of the last data update or until the cancellation of the user account at my request, if this occurs earlier.

Contact information – the e-mail address may be made available to third parties (processors) for the purpose of sending e-mail on behalf of the controller of personal data in accordance with these terms.

I acknowledge that I can withdraw my consent at any time. In this case, the provision of services as defined in eduroute’s electronic system terms of use will be terminated.

I acknowledge that EDUroute is, pursuant to § 7 para. 3 of the Information Society Services Act authorised to use my electronic contact in order to disseminate commercial communications relating to its own products or services similar to those it has already provided to me. Pursuant to Article 5(1) of regulation (EC) No 1260 5 The EDUroute is also entitled to process personal data to the extent of first name, surname and address for the purpose of offering trade and services. In both cases, this can be done until my disapproval is expressed. I agree to the use of my electronic contact in order to disseminate business communications related to the products or services of eduroute s.r.o. and third party business partners.