About us

We are the Faculty of Social Sciences, a regional centre of teaching and research in economics, international studies, political studies, sociology, area studies, journalism and media studies.  We are a part of one of the oldest universities in the world, Charles University – founded in 14th century by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV.

FSV UK offers high-quality Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degree programmes in all fields of social sciences. Students from all around the world can also enrol in one of many fully accredited degree programmes taught in English.

From all 17 faculties of Charles University, we have one of the highest international mobility participation rates – each year we welcome more than 500 exchange students!


Where to find us

Faculty of Social Sciences

Charles University
Smetanovo nábřeží 995/6
110 01 Prague

Admission and entrance exams

Now it is possible to register and submit your application for the academic year 2024/2025 for all our degree programmes.

Preliminary application deadline: 30 June 2024
Extended application deadline: 31 August 2024
These deadlines are strongly recommended to students who already possess the legal right to long-term stay in Czechia.

Application to our study programmes is online only. To apply, you need to fill the application form on our website (see below).

There are no entrance examinations. Applicants' materials are assessed by an admissions committee and successful applicants are informed in 4-6 weeks after the deadline.

The application fee is 880 CZK (approx. 40 EUR). You will find the payment instructions at the end of your online application form.

For any queries related to admission, please contact us at admissions@fsv.cuni.cz.

Please see all the information on how to apply and how to fill the application form at our website.


Additional information

International Vibes

Currently, we have around 5000 full-time students and approximately 1000 of them are enrolled in one of our English language degree programs. Students of about 100 nationalities study at our faculty. We also have one of the highest international mobility participation rates of all the faculties of Charles University. Each year we welcome around 500 exchange students from all over the world!

We are “in the heart of Europe” not only by its geographical location, but also at the academic level. Leading experts from Czechia and abroad meet at our faculty; owing to the wide study offer and interdisciplinary permeability, we are a faculty that is also very attractive for students and researchers from abroad.

We are a top scientific workplace with an international reach – the large number of international projects or cooperation within the 4EU+ Alliance testifies to this. In addition, within the whole university, our faculty has the highest number of joint international programmes (joint and double degrees) as well as the highest number of foreign-language study programmes. We cooperate with European universities within the ERASMUS+ programme, which is complemented by other programmes of international mobility with leading non-European educational and scientific institutions.

Studying at FSV UK
Our faculty is housed in three buildings in Prague. One of them is our brand new Jinonice Campus. Here, you will find not only classrooms, but also a huge central library where you can study in peace or participate in group projects in one of the group study rooms. There is also the Radio and Television Laboratory with top-notch equipment available not only to our journalism students.
Student life is not only studying at a library or your dorm and attending lectures and seminars! There is a whole bunch of stuff students do together in their free time - social, cultural, political or sport events, trips, parties...and much more. The faculty organizes a lot of them and an international student society was established at our faculty and they will make sure you will always have something to do and somewhere to socialize!




Faculty of Social Sciences

Charles University
Smetanovo nábřeží 995/6
110 01 Prague