Google launched Career Certification Courses in Data Analytics, and UX Design

During the pandemic, many people decided to spend their time during lockdown by upgrading their skills through online courses. In March 2021, Google opened enrollment for its three new career certification courses in the fields of Data Analytics, Project Management, and UX Design, which are available to anyone without the need of having any background …

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How to write a CV

Weekend part-time jobs are in full swing. If you’re still looking for work, you’ll certainly appreciate a few tips on writing a flawless CV. Do you argue that writing a CV is nothing difficult? Well, you’d be surprised how many mistakes your resume probably contains. Let’s have a look at what you shouldn’t forget to …

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7 skills you should acquire during the new semester

The beginning of each semester is the ideal time for setting goals you want to achieve and things you want to learn or get better in. Improving your skills and your CV might eventually give you a better chance of finding a desired job. Here are our tips on seven skills you should acquire during …

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