10 online courses that can boost your CV

21. 10. 2020 | Student Life

Online coursesOne can learn many interesting things from home with just a stable internet connection. If you are finding some time in between fall semester classes that you want to use to obtain a new knowledge, we have put together a list of online courses which will help you to acquire the basic skills in the areas of programming, marketing, photography and arts.

As it is not always affordable for all students to pay for these courses, we have chosen 10 high-quality online courses which are either completely free or offer a free trial version.

· The CS50 Course – Harvard University

The prestigious Harvard University offers a very detailed but still beginner-friendly course which will introduce you to the world of computer science and programming. You can acquire the basic terms and keywords and will get an overview of different functions of different types of coding languages.

· HTML – Codecademy

If you want to learn how to build a website, you will need the basic knowledge of the HTML. You will utilize these skills while working f. e. with WordPress. The course is highly interactive, ensuring that you will retain all your newfound knowledge.

· CSS – Codecademy

Once you go through the HTML course, you can move on to the next step and that is the CSS – Cascade Style Sheets. The CSS helps you to control the design and layout of your website

· Introduction to UX – SkillShare

User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function. In this course by SkillShare, you will be introduced to the basics of UX.

· Introduction to Adobe Illustrator – SkillShare

Although getting familiar with this programme might be quite difficult, Adobe Illustrator is a must for graphic designers. With this course you will learn the five basic functions of the Adobe Illustrator, for example how to use the different tools for editing a photo or how to make your own project.

· Art Fundamentals – Udemy

This course covers the basic concepts of arts – composition, colour theory or sketching. At the end of this course you should be able to draw a basic form of a still life.

· Intro to Photography – Udemy

If you want to get beyond using the “Auto” mode on your camera, this course can teach you how to set it properly, use its different functions and train your eyes, so you can identify the right time to press the shutter.

· Photoshop Fundamentals in One Hour – SkillShare

Knowing the basic functions of Photoshop is useful for everyone who likes to edit photographs. This course describes the different tools learn you the essentials in just one hour.

· SEO Introduction – SkillShare

SEO – Search Engine Optimalization means optimizing the content in a way that your website will be displayed high in the search results. If you want to promote yourself or your brand on-line, the knowledge of SEO will be very useful. More and more employers require SEO skills for the jobs in the marketing area.

· Social Media Marketing – HubSpot Academy

If you’re curious about how you can use some of social media’s power to benefit you or your organization, you should definitely check out this online course. You will get familiar with the basics of the social media strategy and some more advanced topics like social media advertising.

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