
An inspiring story of a late freshman

Patrik C. is a 27 years old freshman who studies pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy that belongs to Masaryk University. His life story can be an inspiration for people who think that you have to finish all your studies in one go without interruptions or with just one gap year. Patrik was close to […]

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How to stay motivated during distance learning

We get it, distance learning sucks. While it can be an appealing idea at first because you don’t have to commute and wake up early, it inevitably gets boring and tedious. And a huge let-down especially for freshmen who can’t experience real university life. How to stay motivated and not go crazy? 1. Follow a […]

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How to write good essays as a freshman

Writing good essays can be difficult and even scary especially in your freshmen year when you don’t know what your professors expect of you. Essays at university are very different from the papers you were producing at secondary school so some preparation is necessary. However, when you get the hang of it, writing essays will […]

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Freshmen welcome ceremonies

The first-year student welcome ceremony, the first-bell ringing or a so-called “freshmen baptism.” All these terms refer to the same event that takes place at almost every university in the Czech Republic. You shouldn’t miss it. In many Czech cities, this event became a tradition accompanied with a spectacular celebration during which university freshmen are […]

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How to study at a university without going crazy

Don’t just expect that somebody else will force you to study. You’re an adult now so people at a university will treat you accordingly. Attending lectures and studying is voluntary and teachers won’t ask you exam questions in front of the whole class anymore or check that you revised the study material from the previous […]

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The first year is the most critical for college freshmen

If you manage to pass your first year at a university, the chance that you actually reach your finals (and hopefully even pass them successfully) doubles. At least the statistical data released by the Ministry of Education say so. Over the last 13 years, the number of students who successfully finish their first year at […]

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How to survive freshman year during the pandemic

Student parties, small talks during the breaks between lectures, eating lunch or having coffee with other students in the school cafeteria – these are just some of things this year’s freshmen will miss out on. The pandemic of covid-19 has influenced college life and put many students into stress or despair. That is why we […]

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11 Tips for First-Year University Students

Starting college is an exciting step in one’s life, but it can definitely be stressful or scary at times, especially if you had decided to study abroad. For those awaiting your freshman year this fall, here are some tips on how to make the most out of your first year at university. Keep these tips […]

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