Apps to make Adulting Less Stressful

20. 9. 2021 | Student Life

mobile appsIn today’s world of technology, there is an app for everything. From front-door service to counting the miles we run, we have tools right at our fingertips. Apps can either a) charge you a lot of money and drain your bank account or b) make our lives way easier, free of cost. So here are some apps that can make your adulting a bit easier and stress less.

Mint: this app will help you make budgeting simpler. Mint syncs with your bank account and keeps a track of your expenses. It will then file the records of your spending through easy graphs which would make you wiser about your spending.

Venmo: You can send and receive money with just three simple clicks.

Splitwise: it is the easiest way to share the expense with friends and family and strop stressing about “who owes who”. You can organize group bills for households, trips, and more. Using this app reduces the stress and awkwardness that money places on most important relationships.

Flo: Ovulation Cycle and period tracker. After downloading this app you will never worry about when your cycle starts/ends again. Flo makes it easier to track menstruation and menopause through its user-friendly calendar.

Happy Not Perfect: Self-care is the way to go. Now prioritize your mental health with this guided meditation app. It’s a great way to start and end your day.

Planta: now never forget to water your plants and keep them alive. Planta tracks when you watered your plants and reminds you when to re-water your plant according to the plant type. Planta is good for anyone who tends to kill plants.

Canva: makes design amazingly simple and fun. Whether you need an Instagram story, logo, or birthday invitation, create all these and more on Canva. Step up your next hosting duties with an easy-to-create invitation.

Hopper: you are missing out if you are not already using Hopper to watch for airline tickets. Hopper predicts if prices will go up or down. Watch your flight in the app and get a notification when the ticket drops to its lowest price.

Co-Star: if you are into astrology, then this is your buddy. It sends you notifications and one-liners for the day daily.

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