Study Computer Science and IT in the Czech Republic

We live in a world where computers are a must. They help people work faster and more efficiently. Computer technology is a constantly developing field. Although people have managed to achieve a lot via computers, there is still a lot of space for further improvement and invention. There will always be a high demand for […]

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Advanced informatics and statistics

Founded in 1953, Prague University of Economics and Business is the biggest public university in Czechia that offers study programmes focused primarily on economics and business. However, that’s not their entire scope. Let’s explore some of their advanced study programmes in informatics and statistics. The Faculty of Informatics and Statistics is currently offering two Master’s […]

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Another game teaching Czech history

We’ve already informed about the Czech gaming studio Charles Games when we were promoting their previous titles: Attentat 1942 and Svoboda 1945. Just a few weeks ago the studio launched another game called Train to Sachsenhausen. The game is available for iOs, Android and Windows in English, Czech and German and this time you can […]

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Apps to make Adulting Less Stressful

In today’s world of technology, there is an app for everything. From front-door service to counting the miles we run, we have tools right at our fingertips. Apps can either a) charge you a lot of money and drain your bank account or b) make our lives way easier, free of cost. So here are […]

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Get all three degrees from Informatics in Public Administration

If you would like to study in the Czech Republic for as long as possible or even stay here indefinitely, you might consider obtaining all three degrees at one university. The University of Pardubice offers a unique study programme called Informatics in Public Administration and you can study it to gradually get your bachelor, master […]

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Study PhD science next to the river Elbe

The University in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP) is named after the famous Czech inventor Jan Evangelista Purkyně (1787–1869) who was one of the most prominent natural scientists of his time. He invented the term protoplasm that denotes the fluid substance in cells. Whether you’ve just finished your secondary school or you’re already a university student […]

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Come to study at Unicorn University!

A unicorn isn’t only a term referring to a mythical animal but also a university situated in Prague. Its name isn’t arbitrary; this university was founded by Unicorn Holding which means that students can draw from their extensive know-how and the company realises what kind of graduates the labour market really needs these days. The […]

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Game Studies in Brno

If you don’t want to study game development—just a reminder that there’s a new study programme at Charles University in Prague—but you still love videogames and wish to learn as much as possible about them while living in Czechia, you have a chance. Enthusiasts at Masaryk University in Brno put together a club for Game […]

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MUNI, CVUT and BUT established an institute focused on cybersecurity

Masaryk University together with the Czech Technical University in Prague and the Brno University of Technology have established the CyberSecurity Hub to strengthen their cooperation on cybersecurity. In addition to deepening joint professional activities, the new institute’s goal is also to support industry and companies and European certification of cutting-edge technologies in the field of […]

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Czech companies dominate the top-50 rising tech stars in Central Europe

In the new Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2020, 21 Czech companies made the list of top 50 fastest growing public or private technology companies in the region. Czech companies DoDo and were 2nd and 3rd in the ranking. Overall, three Czech companies made it to the top 10 and the rest were […]

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