Foreign students

Students are attracted to the Czech Republic by the quality of education

The quality of education or cultural proximity are the most common reasons why foreign students choose the Czech Republic as their destination. This is according to a survey conducted by the House of International Cooperation. The vast majority of respondents rated their chosen study program as high quality. Four-fifths of students stated that their field […]

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Number of full-time foreign students in Czechia continues to grow

Despite the covid-19 pandemic, the number of foreign students enrolled in full-time degree programmes in the Czech Republic grew by more than 8 percent in 2020. On the contrary, there were fewer Erasmus students in the country due to the pandemic. The number of foreign students has been growing for 10 years. Last year, the […]

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Scholarships for international students

Foreign students wishing to study at a Czech university have numerous options how to obtain financial help. Here is a list of the main scholarship opportunities for international students in the Czech Republic that you should consider.  UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS International students have an equal chance to obtain any of the different types of scholarships offered […]

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