Study effectively

4 Tips to Achieve Study-Life Balance

How to achieve study-life balance? It doesn’t seem to be easy at all. There are a lot of things to do. On the one hand, there is homework, studying, exam preparation, and maybe you have a part-time job as well. On the other hand, you have a life to live. Life is not only about […]

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Three Tips to Fight Procrastination

Every student knows the following situation. You need to complete an important task for school. The problem is that you just can’t make yourself sit down to work. You will start after making a cup of coffee. When you have your cup of coffee, you need to text your friend. Then you come across a […]

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Study skills 11# Tests without stress

So you think that you work best under pressure? That feeling overwhelmed during an exam period is as unavoidable as taxes and death? Well, think again. An exam period doesn’t have to be a hellish rollercoaster of sleepless nights and anxiety caused by caffeine overdose. There’s a way how to survive relatively intact if you’re […]

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Study skills 10# Studying from textbooks

Textbooks are intimidating things, we get that. There’s almost no one who finds these cumbersome books appealing, yet you have hold onto them. Even with most information being online these days, you can’t avoid conventional textbooks because they provide a compact guideline of the knowledge that is expected of you to learn in order to […]

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Study skills 9# The art of note-taking

Never underestimate the subtle art of taking notes. You think that you can rely only on your memory while passively listening to lectures? Well, think again. You wouldn’t believe how people remember things differently or don’t remember them at all. The first rule should be: Always take notes! Rule 1: Always take notes Taking notes […]

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Study skills 8# Memory techniques

Thanks to our previous articles, now you should know how your memory works and that there’s a thing called spaced repetition which makes retaining new information much easier and long-term. However, some complicated information still might seem impossible to remember because it just isn’t similar to anything you already know. The time comes to employ […]

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Study skills 7# Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a study technique that works on the principle of smart revisions. It might sound complicated or as a chore but it’s actually almost effortless after you learn how to do it and when to use it. Because it’s not about cramming hard over and over again. Repetition using intervals The repetition is […]

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Study skills 6# How memory works

People often complain that their memory is terrible which prevents them from becoming good students. You have to realise that human memory doesn’t work like a computer’s HDD which means three things: Firstly, it has much bigger capacity than any existing hard drive. Secondly, you can’t pour information into it only once and expect it’ll stay there forever. Thirdly, […]

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Study skills 5 # Effective study time

Let’s assume that you’ve mastered time-management and overcome your procrastination. You’re sitting behind your desk, determined to start. Now you’re facing another challenge—how to use your time effectively and finish that task as soon as possible while still delivering excellent results? Forget about multi-tasking Multi-tasking is a mythical ability to deal with more tasks at […]

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Study skills 4# Overcoming procrastination

It seems as if procrastination became a synonym for being a student. We all postpone our tasks from time to time, it’s only natural to avoid things that are unpleasant. But what if procrastination starts ruining your life? The term procrastination comes from the Latin word pro-crastinus which means “belonging to tomorrow.” You can procrastinate […]

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