Three Tips to Fight Procrastination

10. 10. 2023 | Student Life

Three Tips to Fight ProcrastinationEvery student knows the following situation. You need to complete an important task for school. The problem is that you just can’t make yourself sit down to work.

You will start after making a cup of coffee. When you have your cup of coffee, you need to text your friend. Then you come across a funny video with cats. After that, you continue watching other videos. Just a short video about traveling to the Himalayas, right? That can’t hurt. When you finish your seventh tutorial on how to knit a pair of mittens, you realize you feel bad and guilty about not doing what you are supposed to be doing.

People tend to keep postponing things. It doesn’t have to be pure laziness. Fear or anxiety might be to blame too. It is as if there was an inner voice preventing you from taking a step forward. What if the essay doesn’t go so smoothly? What if I don’t come up with any interesting ideas? What if I won’t be able to solve the math problem? There are too many what-ifs haunting us. This is why we often procrastinate. It seems so difficult to get things done. At the same time, there are so many things that distract us. Let’s have a look at some tips that might help you.

#1 Just start

It’s really important to start. If you start working on your task, there is a high probability of you continuing working on it. If you have to study for an exam, open your notes and your textbook. If you have an important essay to write, take your laptop, open the text editor, and write your first sentence. If you’re working on a school project, set off to the library and start doing your research. By starting, you have taken action. This helps you to get into a productive mood. The first step isn’t easy, but once you get there, you are on the right path to tackle your task.

#2 Make a to-do list

There are so many tasks to do. Too many school subjects to study, too many goals to achieve, and too many essays to write. You might have a job too. We mustn’t forget the household chores that need to be done. Try to organize your tasks. It can help you to make a to-do list. It’s important to prioritize your tasks. Crossing out completed tasks from your list gives you a deep feeling of achievement.

It’s better to write a short list than a long one. A long list having an unrealistic number of to-do items can lead to frustration. You won’t be able to complete all the tasks. Instead, you will end up having a cluttered mind and feeling sad for not finishing what you have promised yourself to finish. If you make a short list, there is a higher probability you complete all your tasks.

#3 Reward yourself for a job well done

If you complete a task, reward yourself. It can be just a small reward. The important thing is that the reward brings you joy. Watch an episode of your favorite show. Read a chapter in the book you’re currently reading. Have a piece of chocolate. Make yourself a coffee. Do whatever pleases you. You will be looking forward to this reward. This way you will have a strong motivation to get the job done.


It’s normal to postpone tasks. People are overloaded with them these days. Hopefully, these tips help you fight procrastination effectively. The important thing is to be proud of every single small achievement you make.


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