Affordable study programmes at the University of South Bohemia

12. 4. 2021 | Study in the Czech Republic

Affordable study programmes at the University of South BohemiaWhile studying in the Czech language is generally free of charge, studying in English in the Czech Republic requires paying tuition fees. There’re study programmes that are very expensive as well as those which are really affordable so you don’t have to take a loan. The University of South Bohemia offers some very interesting and affordable study programmes in English.

The University of South Bohemia is located in České Budějovice, a beautiful historical city which will mainly suit people who don’t like crowds and commuting each day, but it’s still only two hours from Prague by a direct express train. The university consists of 8 faculties with nearly 9 000 students, out of which 500 students are foreigners and 200 exchange students each academic year.

The school offers almost 40 study programmes in foreign languages. Some of them are even double degree programmes as a form of cooperation between partner universities financed by the Erasmus+, so a successful graduate receives a degree from both schools which is a great advantage when looking for a job.

You can choose from a wide variety of study programmes across faculties. For 3-year long bachelor courses, the university offers Nursing, providing skills for a general nurse with competences covering care for children, adults and seniors. You can also study Biological Chemistry at the Faculty of Science or Applied Foreign Languages for International Business at the Faculty of Arts with a double degree.

The 2-year long master programmes at the Faculty of Science include Ecology, Biology, Biological Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. If you’re interested in horticulture, you can take Multifunctional Agriculture or Fishery and Protection of Waters. If you’d like to study in French, Italian, German or Spanish, you can go for Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts or Regional and European Project Management at the Faculty of Economics.

PhD study programmes last 4 years. You can continue from your finished master’s and develop your knowledge further in study fields of Biochemistry, Biophysics, Botany, Ecosystem Biology and Ecology, Parasitology and Zoology. Economics and Management is also a valid option but the tuition fee is much higher, although, still quite affordable.

The Faculty of Theology offers PhD study courses in both English and German if you’re interested in Charity Studies, Philosophy or Theology. The Faculty of Arts makes is possible to study Archaeology in English (even though it isn’t possible for bachelor and master).

Also, quite interestingly, you can study Theory and History of Modern Czech Literature… in English! A great choice for those who fell in love with Czechia.

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