Party Food on New Year’s Eve

21. 12. 2023 | Student Life

Party Food on New Year's EveNew Year’s Eve is a special day. A special day deserves special food, right? In this article, we’ll have a look at some typical Czech party food people eat on New Year’s Eve. You can find some inspiration for any kind of party. Czech party food follows several principles. The food is easy to make, simple, and effective. It’s flexible and everyone can change it according to their tastes and preferences, the preparation is creative, and the most important thing of all – it helps to create a wonderful atmosphere while having a great time with your loved ones. Doesn’t that sound great? Let’s delve right into it!

Sylvestr = New Year‚s Eve

When you look into a Czech calendar, you can notice there is a name written in it for every day of the year. It means that the person with this name has a special day. We call it a name day. It’s a great opportunity for a celebration. Some people throw a party. The person who’s celebrating gets name-day gifts. As for the last day of the year, it’s a special day for all men named Sylvestr. It’s a rare name in the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, the name became a synonym for New Year’s Eve.


Chlebíčky can be translated as half-sandwiches. You can easily make them by yourself. The idea is simple – take ingredients you that like and that go well together, and create a half-sandwich. This means that the bread with the food laid on it isn’t covered by an upper slice of bread, but is open for everyone to see what’s inside. It’s inviting, because everybody knows at first sight what they’re going to eat. To prepare chlebíčky, you usually start with a spread. It can be also butter or potato salad. Then you arrange the things you like so that they are presented nicely. Typical Czech ingredients for this party staple are cheese, ham, vegetables, eggs, or pickles.


These are very similar to the half-sandwiches mentioned above. The only difference is that they’re smaller. The idea is they can be eaten in one bite. Jednohubky are prepared by cutting a typical Czech bread roll called rohlík into pieces. The rohlík has a long shape. After cutting it, you get small round pieces ready for decorating with the food you like. It’s entirely up to your preferences what you put onto your jednohubky. You can use the same ingredients you would put on a half-sandwich – cheese, ham, salami, pieces of a boiled egg, or sliced peppers. On top of that, you can place an olive or a piece of pickled cucumber. In the end, you take a toothpick and stab the whole thing through so that all the ingredients stay together. This way this snack can be easily taken from the plate or tray and be eaten. The result is visually appealing. Jednohubky are perfect finger food for a party.

When you prepare a Czech party for friends, you can be creative. The important thing is that you all enjoy the food, the company of people you love, and the atmosphere. Best wishes for the upcoming year. Hopefully, it will be a good one.

Happy New Year!

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