Two workshops worth attending

19. 3. 2021 | News

Virtual workshopIn January 2021, Anglo-American University in Prague became a member of European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), the academic association that focuses on advancing political science and associates political scientists in Europe. This means that AAU students can now participate in ECPR events such as the upcoming virtual workshop on Women and Leadership.

The whole title of the workshop is Women and Leadership: New Challenges, Issues, and Methods, it takes place virtually in May 17-28 and is co-chaired by one of AAU lecturers. The workshop invites all scholars studying gender equality in connection to politics and aims to look for new approaches to women’s representation in society.

The scope of this workshop aims to cover various topics and contexts of female representation in politics, gender equality legislation and also discuss the current backsliding trend that seems to be strongly pushing against it in Eastern Europe. The event also wants to analyse the impact of coronavirus pandemic on women.

Another virtual event worth attending is the course on the Green New Deal. Even though a few lectures have already taken place, you can still join because lectures air until May. And it’s totally free, all you need is to sign up.

The course’s scope covers a wide variety of topics such as resource extraction, climate migration, Green New Deal economics, tribal law and policy, relationships in storytelling, energy systems and fights against the fossil fuel industry. If you’re into ecology, economy and global politics, go for it.

Even with the current strict lockdown, events are still up and running. They had to switch into virtual environment but that doesn’t stand in the way of education and academic research.

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