Social sciences

Study Psychology and Social Sciences in the Czech Republic

With increasing awareness of mental health issues, there is a growing demand for experts in the psychology field. Modern life can sometimes be stressful. On the one hand, computers and modern technologies enable people to work more efficiently, but on the other hand, they also pose a challenge for many individuals due to everything getting […]

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Scholarship and visit options at the Faculty of Social Sciences

If you’re currently considering studying abroad, money is probably a huge issue for you. If you’re willing to learn Czech, it’s actually possible to study completely for free because Czech education is free of charge. However, we understand that to learn Czech to such a level in a short period of time might be impossible […]

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Two workshops worth attending

In January 2021, Anglo-American University in Prague became a member of European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), the academic association that focuses on advancing political science and associates political scientists in Europe. This means that AAU students can now participate in ECPR events such as the upcoming virtual workshop on Women and Leadership. The whole […]

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