Upcoming conferences in 2021

5. 3. 2021 | Student Life

Upcoming conferences in 2021Even though normal student life is pretty much brought to a halt due to the coronavirus pandemic, various university conferences are still up and running. Of course, they mainly switched to the virtual environment. If you’re interested in attending but you’re not sure how it all works, consider reading our previous article while bearing in mind it’ll be a bit different this year. There might be more upcoming conferences or smaller workshop events virtually in spite of corona so also check your faculty’s website and don’t hesitate to ask your supervisor. They’ll be very glad that you’re enthusiastic to participate.

Pragestt (Prager Germanistische Studierendentagung)

When: 11-13 March

Where: online

Website: https://pragestt.ff.cuni.cz/en/home

This 9th annual conference is held by the Department of Germanic Studies at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts in Prague as an international conference intended for scientific exchange among young students and scholars of German studies.

Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference for PhD students and assistants

When: 28-30 June

Where: online

Website: http://www.quaere.econference.cz/introduction

This conference is for PhD students from all European universities. PhD students can present their scientific and research results, establish cooperation, inform about current trends, communicate with registered participants and confront the results and opinions with experts working in different domains, workplaces and companies.

The 2nd Anglo-American Studies Roundtable

When: 24 September

Where: Anglo-American University in Prague

Website: https://www.aauni.edu/news/call-for-papers-the-uk-and-the-world

The theme this year is “The UK and the World”. With Brexit, it has never been more opportune to consider Britain’s complex and ambiguous relationships with the wider world. The organisers welcome proposals for 20-minute papers dealing with any topic within this broad thematic framework, from the fields of the humanities, social sciences and International Relations.

See more articles on the topic

Upcoming conferences in October

October is almost here and with it another selection of interesting conferences. We hope that some of you attended conferences in September, but if you didn’t manage because the academic year was just starting and you were too busy, there’s always more coming. What can you look forward to in October? Revolution Accomplished October 4-5, […]

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