Czech tradition

New Year in the Czech Republic

We described Advent season followed by Christmas, now is time for the last big event of each year—New Year’s Eve. While Czech Christmas is predominantly spent with one’s closest family, New Year celebration in the Czech Republic is mainly a thing for friends. January the 1st is a bank holiday but 31st of December isn’t. …

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Christmas in the Czech Republic

Winter holiday usually starts on the 23rd of December for school children and university students but it might start a few days sooner based on a weekday Christmas Day falls on each year. Adults usually work even on the 23rd but most take a day off if they can. In Czech, Christmas is called “Vánoce.” …

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Advent season in the Czech Republic

If you’re spending your first winter in the Czech Republic, you might be interested in how Czech people celebrate winter holidays. Even though Czechia is known to be one of the most atheistic countries in the world, Czech people still follow many traditions and like their Christmas to be very festive. Advent season is four …

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