Unicorn University

Unicorn University opens the door to the world: experience summer in the USA

Studying at Unicorn University opens the door to unique experiences beyond academics. For the second year, the school has partnered with Alliance Abroads to offer students the opportunity to experience an irreplaceable summer abroad through its Work & Travel and American Camp Crew programs. And they do it on financially advantageous terms. Thanks to this […]

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Athletes choose Unicorn University: the ideal combination of training and study

Unicorn University is the first university in the Czech Republic where you can study online. It is the first university in the Czech Republic to offer online studies in the Bachelor’s programs Business Management and Software Development. That is why it is so attractive for people who want to combine education with a career in […]

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What Kind of School is Unicorn University? Graduates Share Experiences

In the last two years, we have seen a vast transformation of the education system. A growing number of people find out, that the digitisation waits for nobody. New times bring new opportunities and now you can study virtually anywhere at any time. This is a primary objective of Unicorn University, a private institution of […]

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Come to study at Unicorn University!

A unicorn isn’t only a term referring to a mythical animal but also a university situated in Prague. Its name isn’t arbitrary; this university was founded by Unicorn Holding which means that students can draw from their extensive know-how and the company realises what kind of graduates the labour market really needs these days. The […]

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Apply now for Fall 2020: Open admissions at Czech universities

Although most admissions for Fall semester in 2020 are already closed, you can still apply to several Degree study programmes at some of the best Czech universities. Read our brief guide on which application deadlines have been extended and find out which majors you can still apply for today. If none of these options sounds […]

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Unicorn University to Become First Czech Online University

Offering education in IT, data analysis, and business, the institution formerly known as Unicorn College has made this move partly in response to the Master study programmes added to its offer as of the academic year 2019/2020. This is the first university in the Czech Republic which has started its preparations to provide purely long-distance […]

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