Computer Science & Technology

15 universities and faculties

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

  • Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Science - Discrete Models and Algorithms
  • Computer Science - Language Technologies and Computational Linguisticsgence

and next 6 programmes

9 programmes

Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Erasmus Mundus International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS)
  • Society, Communication and Media (SCM)
2 programmes

Faculty of Biomedical Engineering

  • Systematic Integration of Processes in Healthcare
1 programme

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Faculty of Science

  • Parasitology and Infection Biology
1 programme

Faculty of Chemical Engineering

  • Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
  • Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering (Master Double Degree)
2 programmes

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Faculty of Chemical Technology

  • Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Engineering
  • Chemistry (Organic Chemistry)
  • Chemistry, Technology and Materials
3 programmes

School of Business

  • Sectoral Management - Major: Chemical Industry
1 programme

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